Twitter is an amazing place. I get smarter everyday by observing and connecting on the platform. However, I’m routinely astonished at the reluctance of the vast majority of the students I teach to engage. The #DPTstudent tweetchat has been a great conversation, but it’s only a droplet of the approximately 8000 of PT students currently in school.
One barrier to Twitter engagement is the requirement to spend time figuring it out. Twitter without filters and careful content curating is like trying to drink from a fire hose. It’s just not going to be a very comfortable event.
To that end, Mary Derrick (@Mary_PT2013), a Texas State DPT student who is mere weeks from graduating has crafted a handy and excellent user guide for those folks interested in playing along on the #DPTstudent chat. It’s also great for anyway who would like to figure this Twitter thing out! Enjoy!
(I suggest you expand this prezi to full screen size for optimal viewing.)